Most people have heard of the Rorschach inkblot test, but not many people get to actually see the inkblots themselves because they're kept secret. has developed an inkblot test based closely on the Rorschach test protocol and materials. You can take this test yourself online and see more or less what your results would have been on a real test. Sometimes the results aren't pretty; people who take the test can find out some extremely unsettling things about themselves. 池塘,巨大的荷叶,青蛙。颜色的影响力出来了。 云、雨、大瓣的花朵 绿茵中小丘上有两只狐狸,守卫着一柄权杖。 着黑红衣的白骷髅,盘腿于虚空之中,有无数世界环绕。 天空下,络腮胡,发型奇怪的叔叔。 带着小丑双角帽的男人,伸着双手哀嚎。 Compared against a baseline index of approximately 5,000 'standard' responses, your responses indicate the following: Diagnostic Overview:Your responses indicate that you are a hopless bastard.【喂……】 Remember, lots of doctors have affairs with their patients, but you're a vetrinarian, so cut it out. You deep mistrust of authority means you'll probably be on America...